WordPress 5.0. 1 was released Wednesday night, less than a week after the much anticipated release of WordPress 5.0. This security release fixes seven security vulnerabilities, a few of which are quite serious. Sites running versions in the 4.x branch of WordPress core are also impacted by some of the issues. WordPress 4.9.9 was released along with 5.0.1 to address …
Botnet of Infected WordPress Sites Attacking WordPress Sites
The following was released today in relation to attacks on WordPress sites. If you do not have any security on your website then now is the time to get it! All Websites that have a support and maintenance contract with me are already secure but if yours has no security, out of date plugins and software then you need to …
Do You Own your Website ?
I came across something this week which I just had to share. Whilst trying to help someone out I discovered that they had no access to the admin area of their website and NO RIGHTS whatsoever to any of the software that they had paid a lot of money for. It transpired that their website development company had built the …
Replace Your SSL/TLS Certs by Symantec, Thawte, VeriSign, Equifax, GeoTrust and RapidSSL
This is a public service announcement and a reminder to site owners. Google’s Chrome browser has already started the process of ending support for Symantec SSL/TLS certificates. This includes companies owned by Symantec including Thawte, Verisign, Equifax, GeoTrust and RapidSSL. Chrome 66 is ending support for Symantec certificates issued before June 1, 2016 on the following schedule: The ‘Canary’ release …
Google Chrome’s Crackdown of Bad Ads Is Only the Beginning
Google will leverage its market position and the popularity of its Chrome browser to take aim squarely at poor-quality ad experiences. When the initiative launches, Google will stop showing ads on Chrome that do not meet the quality standards adopted by the Coalition for Better Ads. The ad standards, which were compiled after interviewing thousands of consumers about which ads negatively impact …
Why having broken weblinks are so bad
Dead hyperlinks on websites are not just annoying – their existence may cause some real damage to your online business as well as to your reputation in the Internet! Because of that a web-site may: Lose some of the existing customer base (current users sooner or later will get frustrated enough to never come back) Get problems with getting new …
Credit Card Charges
Credit card surcharges banned from Saturday 13th January There are some important changes to the law regarding surcharges. From the 13th January 2018, the Payment Services Regulation 2017 comes into effect This regulation implements the EU Payment Services Directive II (PSD2) which has the aim of setting out a common legal framework for businesses and consumers when making and receiving …