Hosting security is extremely important. What would happen if your website went down because the number of simultaneous guests started growing? How easy is it for hackers to get in? Does your hosting package make sure viruses don’t get into your system?
These days, there are plenty of unethical systems and companies eager to use your emails for spamming and your website for their ads.
To cut a long story short, you need safe, secure hosting to keep your data away from frauds and to have your server up and running all day, every day.
It is very hard to identify which hosting companies have highly secure servers. You get to see nice pictures and great hosting plan descriptions, but you never know what stands behind them. The only way to ensure better security is to purchase web hosting from companies that have some precise security features. The following features will make your data safer and your visitors friendlier. Here they are:
Secure Datacenter
A secure datacenter is also very important. Anything and everything within the realm of mother nature is possible — think hurricanes, power shortages, and earthquakes. Wouldn’t it be great if your web host was ready in those instances? Secure facilities, diesel power generators, and other protection measures are definitely a plus. Also, pay attention to the location of your web host’s datacenters — give preference to the areas that are not exposed to natural disasters.
Uptime is the time your website stays online, and your clients can access it without any problems. Most web hosts will claim to provide 100% uptime, and in most cases that isn’t true. However, the brief shortages are not always bad, especially if you have a start-up without many website visitors off the bat.
Many companies include the possibility to make a backup of your data for emergency cases. The most common options are daily, weekly and monthly backups. Of course, daily backups are the best. That will let you restore the latest version of your website in case your server goes down.
Also, some web hosts offer manual backup, which is even better — you can make it every time you have something updated on the websites.
Manual Reboot
Manual reboot is a service included into VPS and dedicated packages. It lets you use control panel for restarting your dedicated or virtual server. That is great for when making important updates. Also, manual reboot is very good if you notice some problems on your server. You can first try rebooting your rack; if the problem remain, you can always contact your web host’s customer support.
More Security Tips
You need to pay attention to the Clients per Server numbers. Though most hosting companies don’t meet those limits, the less they promise, the less clients/server they’ll have, and the better it is for your website. Just remember — security is very important. Don’t neglect it when choosing a web host company, and your web project will stay healthy and efficient.
If you would like to discuss hosting then give us a call and will be happy to advise.